Parsa Aghaei
Product Designer


  • Design Professional II @ HKS Inc.

    January 2024 — Present
    Chicago, IL
    • ·    Coordinated the efforts of multidisciplinary teams, including designers, engineers, and researchers, synthesizing their input into cohesive designs aimed at improving user experience. This collaboration resulted in the optimized construction of multiple healthcare facilities, enhancing patient and staff satisfaction.
      ·    Led the creation of promotionalmaterials and conference presentations for a $500M+ project, resulting inindustry recognition and two prestigious awards.
  • Design Professional I @ HKS Inc.

    January 2022 — Dec 2023
    Chicago, IL
    • ·   Assisted in developing a comprehensive design system to ensure consistency and quality across all touch points in oncology units, optimizing the experience for both patients and staff.
      ·   Conducted user research in over 100 user meetings with diverse stakeholders to iteratively improve design solutions, thereby increasing user adoption and satisfaction.
      ·   Successfully designed and implemented anoncology unit with a budget exceeding $5M, using collected user data to enhancepatient safety and workflow while addressing staff needs.
  • Intern @ HKS Inc.

    May 2021 - Jan 2022
    Detroit, MI
    • ·   Contributed to functional performance evaluation (FPE) of a large-scale healthcare project
      ·   Created journey maps, behavior maps, and affinity diagrams based on collected and existing data to create research reports that capture the user experience and will inform future designs.
  • Design Researcher @ KSU

    Jan 2020 — Dec 2021
    Kent, OH
    • ·   Conducted user interviews and focus group sessions, design thinking sessions, and surveys with over 100 participants that resulted in 5 peer-reviewed articles in esteemed peer-reviewed journals.
      ·   Performed A/B testing on design iterations and mockups and analyzed the results to inform design decisions.
  • Graphic Designer @ The Eighth Route

    Aug 2017 - Jul 2019
    Tehran, Iran
    • ·    Proposed and led the design of more than 10 advertisement campaigns for the largest national banks in Iran.
      ·    Developed multiple visual identities and brand books for small- to mid-sized companies.
      ·    Designed the UI/UX of more than five websites for different businesses in hospitality and tourism fields.
      ·    Worked with brand guidelines of existing companies to produce digital content for social media.
  • Art Teacher @ Salam High School

    Oct 2016 - Sep 2017
    Tehran, Iran
    • ·    Taught a class of 30 high school students the fundamentals of art and architecture, effectively preparing them for a national art competition, resulting in one student achieving third place in the competition.
  • Freelance Designer @ Parsa Studio

    Aug 2017 - Dec 2019
    • ·    Grew an audience on Dribbble andInstagram and attracted clients from more than 50 individuals and companies across Australia, Canada, United Kingdom, and Iran and completed more than 100 design projects worldwide.
      ·    Created UX deliverables such as detailed wireframes, user flows, and mockups to effectively communicate design intentions to stakeholders and development teams for different clients.
      ·    Worked with branding guidelines and design systems, developing visuals and interfaces ensuring compliance with brand visions for various clients.


  • Master of Healthcare Design

    Jan 2020 - Dec 2021
    Kent, OH
    • GPA 4.0
  • Bachelor of Architecture

    Sep 2014 - Mar 2019
    Tehran, Iran
    • GPA 3.7
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